Monday, June 10, 2013

{re}organized kitchen: section 1

Y’all have already seen under my kitchen sink. Remember? Adding the pull-out drawer has changed my life. I would highly recommend one to those who have trouble keeping things organized under the sink. I installed it with my wimpy girly drill in less than ten minutes. So easy!

Over the past week, all of the other cabinets in the kitchen have gotten a complete overhaul and I got rid of a lot of things we weren’t really using. Anyone else love the feeling of getting rid of things as much as I do?

Although I dream about white cabinets, marble counters tops, and wood floors, I love our kitchen because it has a ton of storage.

I really don’t understand the reasoning behind which cabinets have glass doors and which ones don't. So random. Since I took the doors off the cabinet in the laundry room, now I could switch a few doors around to see if I like another arrangement better.

Because there are so many cabinets and drawers, I am going to split our kitchen into a three different sections. I created a rough drawing of the layout so you can understand where I'm at.

Today, I am going to show you the before and afters of section 1.

Ready? Set. Go!

This cabinet is so difficult to get into since the bar is right underneath it. I try to keep items that don't get used as often as others in here. I did a little rearranging and added some dishes from other cabinets and drawers that needed a new home.

This cabinet is our “everyday stuff”. We found the fiestaware at a garage sale and have been using it instead of the dishes we registered for.  I bought two more plates and four more bowls that should arrive later this week! I decided to sell the brown dishes to clear some space and pay for my new fiestaware.

This cabinet was getting out of hand. Since it has glass doors, I like for things to look clean and organized. Now, this cabinet contains all of our glass drinking glasses and some extra storage containers I can’t bring myself to get rid of just yet.

I can’t touch this cabinet. The previous owner had a pull-out trashcan, but the hardware is broken so anytime I touch it, it looks like it’s barely hanging on and only my husband can make it look normal again. I haven’t decided if I want to try to fix it or add hinges and make it a regular cabinet.

This is the silverware drawer. I just tidied it up a little and added the bacon cooker since it was the perfect fit.

I moved the cutting boards to this drawer and moved this stuff over to section 2.


This is the drawer for all the stuff that’s too long to put anywhere else…

This drawer is for lunch boxes, and travel cups.

This drawer once held all of our k-cups, but I decided to put dish towels and extra pot holders in here instead

This cabinet is the one I did the most damage on. Before, it held all our dishes that would be used for entertaining. I got rid of things I haven’t touched since we’ve been married and consolidated the rest onto one shelf. The top shelf is for a few of our most commonly used small appliances. (Note to self: Clean that crock pot ASAP!) Other small appliances are stored in the pantry.

This cabinet contains most of our food storage containers. I picked up a basket from Hobby Lobby to store all the lids. If only I would have thought of that makes life much easier.

That’s all for section 1. What do you think? I’ll be back later this week to show you section 2 of our kitchen!

1 comment:

  1. Your kitchen organization looks great! I use a basket for the lids as well. It seems they always get lost without a basket. Love your K-cup drawer!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse
