Friday, May 10, 2013

Car Kit

As we were driving home from the airport last week, I was thinking about how unprepared we would be in the event that we had car trouble. In that moment, I decided to create a “car kit” which would include things we might need, specifically while traveling.  Our new car has a storage area in the back…I knew this car was made for me!

It is the perfect spot to put all of those items we may need in case of an emergency. The first step of this project was finding a short enough container to fit in this area, and yet big enough to hold all of the supplies. After testing out several different containers around the house, none of them fit quite right. I measured the space and decided to make my own. Let me just say that Hobby Lobby has really stepped up their game lately in their fabric selection. I found two coordinating prints and got busy sewing. Problem solved! 

I gathered up all of the supplies from the garage and picked up a few things from Wal-Mart I wanted to include.

1. lint roller
2. hand wipes
3. playing cards
4. kleenex
5. jumper cable
6. liners
7. electrical tape
8. sewing kit
9. pen/paper
10. ice scraper
11. tire pressure gauge
12. first aid kit
13. air compressor

I can think of several other items that would be nice to have for those just-in-case situations (I tend to be an over-planner), but I tried sticking with the necessities. I’m sure there will be some adjustments to this kit as time goes by, and there is no doubt it will change completely when kids are in the picture. For now, it’s just what we need and I will feel more confident and prepared while traveling.

Am I forgetting anything major? What would be included in your car kit?


  1. How about flares and a first aid kit?

    1. I've got the first aid kit. Flares! Didn't think about that. Thanks!!! :)

  2. 1 or 2 2Ltr bottles of water. My care overheated once and if I hadn't had water in my care I would have been stranded, but thankfully I had water bottles. A blanket and/or large towel is always good to have on hand as well as a trash bag.

  3. I'm not sure why I said care instead of *car above. Typos!
